Building a Design Library Synchronized to React Code

Year: 2023  Type: User Interface, Interaction Design.

Team: 5 UI Desginers, 7 Developers, 1 Project Manager, 1 Director


Building a Design Library Synchronized to React Code

Year: 2023  Type: User Interface, Interaction Design.

Team: 5 UI Designers, 7 Developers, 1 Project Manager, 1 Director

Armed with a strong design library in both code and Figma, which matches the brand, covers a wide range of needs, and syncs with coded Material UI components, we’re ready to go. Because our Figma designs are based on coded Material UI parts, we know our design system can handle complex needs.


Previous software solutions have displayed a lack of professional rigor, falling short of meeting intricate universal requisites, and demonstrating suboptimal performance.


Our solution involves developing a robust design system based on Material-UI (MUI) to enhance app development efficiency and ensure consistency. We begin by analyzing project requirements and establishing a comprehensive design language, including color palettes, typography, and spacing guidelines. Each Material-UI component is meticulously recreated in Figma, with attention to detail in shadows, borders, and interactions, organized into a Figma library. To cater to different use cases, we design various component states and variants. Thorough documentation outlines component usage, responsiveness, accessibility, and behavior. Collaboration with developers ensures practicality and feasibility during the design process. Version control is implemented to manage updates, and design tokens are extracted for direct use in the code. With our solution, designers and developers can work harmoniously, producing consistent, high-quality apps with ease and efficiency.

Synchronizing Design and
Development with a Theme

We are starting with the corporate look and feel. We need to create a theme for our React Material UI library. Our goal is to work with development so that we can have a completed Material UI theme IN CODE based on the following design theme.
Because the design is closely integrated with the development, developers can efficiently build, modify, and maintain our application. This synchronization frees up time to focus on critical features. In the context of our trucker application, most engineering effort will be dedicated to the AI chatbot and the real-time status of the truck and load.



Fully Responsive

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