Accessible Clinical Trial Search for All: Empowering Everyone to Discover Opportunities

Year: 2023  Type: User Interface, Interaction Design, User Experience

Team: 3 Designers,  4 Developers, 1 Project Manager, 1 Director


Accessible Clinical Trial Search for All: Empowering Everyone to Discover Opportunities

Year: 2023  Type: User Interface, Interaction Design, User Experience

Team: 3 Designers,  4 Developers, 1 Project Manager, 1 Director

Finding and participating in clinical trials is an important avenue for individuals seeking innovative treatments and contributing to medical advancements. However, the existing process of navigating, a powerful platform providing information on clinical trials, presents significant challenges for end-users. Recognising this issue, we have embarked on a mission to build an app specifically designed to address these challenges and make the search for clinical trials more accessible and user-friendly.

Challenge, as a comprehensive and authoritative database, holds a wealth of information about ongoing clinical trials. However, for end-users, navigating this platform can be overwhelming and complicated. The challenge lies in the complex structure of, which is primarily designed to serve researchers and healthcare professionals rather than individuals looking to join trials. This disparity in user needs creates a barrier that hinders people from easily identifying and accessing clinical trials that match their specific requirements.
Given the significance of clinical trials in advancing medical research and improving healthcare outcomes, it is crucial to address the barriers that prevent individuals from finding and participating in trials. We chose this challenge because we firmly believe that by creating an app specifically designed to simplify the search process, we can empower individuals to explore clinical trials effortlessly.


We began by building a solid,  modern, and easy to use app structure.

clinical trials portal app wireframes


The app we are building aims to bridge the gap between end-users and the database. By leveraging the power of’s data while providing an intuitive and user-friendly interface, we will enable individuals to easily search, filter, and find relevant clinical trials based on their specific needs. Our focus is on enhancing accessibility, simplifying the search process, and offering personalised recommendations, thus empowering individuals to take control of their healthcare journey and contribute to medical research.

UI Kit

Clinical Trial Portal UI Kit

Product Interface

Easy and simple follow up steps
With 3 simple steps – conditions, age, and location – the user will be well on their way to finding the next clinical trial to join.

We have integrated Google Maps into our geolocation feature to ensure a user-friendly and intuitive experience. With this implementation, the users can easily navigate the map that are familiar with and conveniently select one or multiple addresses to add to their profile.

Intuitive filtering system

A user-friendly and easily understandable mechanism designed to sort and display relevant information based on the basic search criteria.

Custom cards

This design aims to enhance navigation and simplify the search process by displaying key details prominently on the cards, users can quickly assess and compare trials, facilitating a more efficient and streamlined search experience.

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